Preferred Translations
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- Cornilescu Bible in Romanian language
- Danish OT1931 + NT1907 with original orthography
- Bíblia Livre - Textus Receptus
- Українська Біблія. Переклад Івана Огієнка.
- Revised Literal Translation (2018) of the King James Version with Strongs Numbers and Morphology
- A Magyar Bibliatársulat Revideált Újfordítású Bibliája
- Danish New Testament from 1819 with original orthography
- King James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition
- Baiboly Malagasy (1865)
- Sahidica - A New Edition of the New Testament in Sahidic Coptic
- Kitab Awal-Jaman maka Kitab Injil
- 聖經 (文理和合)
Preferred Commentaries
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