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欢迎你用此免费圣经工具来研读圣经及有关在线材料。由Crosswire圣经学会,圣经文学学会和美国圣经学会联合研制。OSIS, 我们提供有力的搜寻功能和最新的工具来帮助你你深入学习圣经知道更多...


别忘了别的免汇圣经资源: The SWORD Project, Unbound Bible, Bible Gateway, Crosswalk, and Blue Letter Bible.


We offer a number of free Bible software downloads for Windows, Mac, Linux, and PDAs, produced by CrossWire Bible Society. 知道更多...


Are you the sort of person who creates a Klingon translation of the Bible? Would it cross your mind to build a Hyper-Concordance for the New Testament in your spare time? People are using an XML standard called OSIS to do a number of interesting things.知道更多...