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About: New English Translation text only with footnote markers
The NET BibleŽ, First Edition, is a completely new translation of the Bible (several millions of dollars, thousands of hrs volunteer labor across 10 yrs), not a revision or an update of a previous English version but was translated by biblical scholars who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts The NET BibleŽ, contains over 63,000 notes. These notes are not like those in other bibles as has been attested to by bible scholars, Christian leaders, , pastors, lay leaders, and missionaries e.g. Kenneth L. Barker General Editor, NIV Study Bible and TNIV Study Bible says "The translators' notes, study notes, and text-critical notes alone are worth the price of the NET BibleŽ. Wayne Grudem a Member, Translation Oversight Committee, ESV said, "The extensive and reliable notes in the NET BibleŽ were a wonderful help to our translation team as we worked to prepare the English Standard Version." Charles Swindoll radio host of Insight for Living says, "The NET BibleŽ is a Bible you can trust. The translation is clear, accurate, and powerful. And the notes, those wonderful notes! They bring to the layman scholarly insights and discussions that have up till now been accessible only to those trained in the biblical languages. If you are serious about studying Scripture, get a copy of the NET BibleŽ." Dr. Tony Evans Senior Pastor and the host of The Urban Alternative, radio broadcast, says, "The complaint I hear from many Christians is that some of the translations of the Bible are too wooden. They are grammatically correct, but don't seem to convey the passion of the writer. On the flip side, some paraphrases and translations convey the passion of the writer at the cost of an accurate translation. The NET BibleŽ is the best of both worlds. The notes are helpful to the scholar and the layperson alike. This is the Bible for the next millennium.... " See other endorsements at
Special note for Sword users: We have received many requests for the production of Sword modules. Therefore, in accordance with our ministry first approach, we have sponsored this project and made available both a "for free" module containing the full NET BibleŽ text with samples of the notes for each chapter, plus a full NET BibleŽ with all its 63,000+ notes as a premier "for pay" product at . These modules are must be used in total and they cannot be modified, decomposed and/or reconstructed in any other format or presentation or can they be re-hosted/mirrored on the Internet without permission ( ).
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P.S. The Copyright statement for the NET BibleŽ is at