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About: Morphologically Parsed Greek New Testament based on the SBLGNT
The MorphGNT is derived from the morphologically parsed GNT provided by UPenn's CCAT but then merged with the SBLGNT. James Tauber reformatted it for easier text processing, converted it to UTF-8, and corrected many errors.
The lemmatization and parsing are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. For attribution purposes, please credit James Tauber.
The text of the SBL GNT is edited by Michael W. Holmes, who utilized a wide range of printed editions, all the major critical apparatuses, and the latest technical resources and manuscript discoveries as he established the text. The result is a critically edited text that differs from the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Societies text in more than 540 variation units.
Copyright 2010 Logos Bible Software and the Society of Biblical Literature. See for license details.
CrossWire has added Strong's numbers on an automatic and experimental basis to some words.