[jsword-devel] Wrapping non OSIS-ID in next cell

DM Smith dmsmith at crosswire.org
Thu Sep 6 15:33:59 MST 2012

A module only has verse content. In order to have module, testament, book and chapter introductions we have a notion of testament 0, book 0 and verse 0, using SWORD notation. Actually, JSword has special books for module and testaments. This is new to JSword in the av11n work.

I think the title was verse 0 of the chapter you were grabbing. It is an open question in my mind what we do with verse 0. I think the consensus is that we don't show verse 0 to the end user but we allow it to be input. For that reason it was not wrapped in a verse element.

When the user requests a chapter, they'll get verse 0, if present in the module. I think you'd find that if you had a module with some verses missing and another with other verses missing in the same chapter, that few of the verses line up.

My guess is that it is using two or more iterators and assumes that they are parallel arrays. This is not a good assumption. It might very well be my code, my bad.

In Him,

On Sep 6, 2012, at 2:15 PM, Chris Burrell <chris at burrell.me.uk> wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm having a situtation where I'm using multiple Book objects in BookData. Unfortunately, because there are elements like "title" that are not wrapped into any verse, the cells get out of sync (see example below).
> I suggest to mitigate that, we insert any element without a key of osisId in the same cell as the following osisId key. This would resolve the issue below. It may however not resolve the issue where some modules do not have a Key, but I think that is catered for elsewhere?
> Chris

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