[jsword-devel] Patch for checkstyle

DM Smith dmsmith555 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 16 07:12:15 MST 2004

The changes here are many but either fix bugs or improve readability and 
hence maintenance.

This patch does the following:
adds whitespace around operators
adds newline to end of file
adds serialVersionUID to serializable files (I used 1 and marked them as 
a placeholder for the real value.)
fixed 3 bugs where strings were compared using ==
changed new Thread(...).start() to Thread t = new Thread(...); t.start()
removed redundant parentheses
Fixed a possible null pointer bug.
Changed "" + obj and "" + primitive to eliminate ""
I changed returns of arrays to return copies (fix of potential bug)
Changed some static final to all uppercase.
Made a few classes final.
Made member variables final in Exception classes.
Changed array declarations from int var[] to int[] var.
changed multiple var declarations to single. E.g.
     int left = 0, right = 0, height = 0;
     int left = 0;
     int right = 0;
     int height = 0;
Added a missing break to a switch statement (bug fix)
Added "test" into "incremental" in core.xml so now it is build,test,install.
Changed checkstyle build.xml to not throw an exception. (it needs basedir)
Changed checkstyle custom.xml
     reordered checks to match the checkstyle website
     put in all missing tests as comments
     commented version 3.4 tests
     Enabled more tests (Where the amount of complaints was very small)
Changed findbugs build.xml to build html rather than test.
*I did not change the website to include this new file*
*The old link will be dead*
In jsword-web/build.xml I put the tool target back to what it was.
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