## Sword module configuration file ## Required elements # Module Unique Identifier. [PorLitCal2024] # Short well known abbreviation for the module (e.g., [KJV]). Abbreviation=PLC2024 # Short description of the module. Description=Calendário litúrgico 2024 # Path to the module data files relative to the SWORD module library root directory. DataPath=./modules/lexdict/zld/porlitcal2024/dict # Driver used for reading the module. ModDrv=zLD ## Required elements with defaults # Markup used in the module. SourceType=OSIS # How the text in the conf and in the module are encoded. Encoding=UTF-8 # Compression algorithm. CompressType=LZSS # Module features. Feature=DailyDevotion # File in the module's DataPath that should be referenced for the renderer as CSS display controls. PreferredCSSXHTML=style.css ## General informatic and installer elements # A lengthier description. About=\qcEste módulo contém o calendário litúrgico em português.\par\parA Agenda Litúrgica Digital é propriedade do Secretariado Nacional de Liturgia. Todos os direitos reservados. Proibida qualquer alteração sem autorização por escrito do SNL.\par\parSECRETARIADO NACIONAL DE LITURGIA\parCasa de Santa Ana – Santuário de Fátima\parApartado 10 | 2496-908 Fátima | PORTUGAL\par\parTelefone: (+351) 249 533 327 # Indicates the date that the module was changed. SwordVersionDate=2024-02-25 # Module's revision. Version=1.0 # Indicates what has changed between different versions. History_1.0=(2024-02-25) Initial release # The minimum version of the SWORD library required for this module. MinimumVersion=1.7.1 # This is used by installers to further categorize the modules. Category=Daily Devotional # Library of Congress Subject Heading. LCSH=Devotional calendars. Portuguese # Language code of the module. Lang=pt # Indicates a former ModName that is made obsolete by this module. Obsoletes=PortLitCal2022 ## Copyright and Licensing related elements DistributionLicense=Copyrighted; Permission to distribute granted to CrossWire ShortPromo=www.liturgia.pt TextSource=http://www.liturgia.pt/agenda/agenda.ics # Total byte size of the module on disk. InstallSize=3599593