## Sword module configuration file ## Required elements # Module Unique Identifier. [Anderson] # Short description of the module. Description=Henry Tompkins Anderson’s 1864 New Testament # Path to the module data files relative to the SWORD module library root directory. DataPath=./modules/texts/ztext/anderson/ # Driver used for reading the module. ModDrv=zText ## Required elements with defaults # Markup used in the module. SourceType=OSIS # How the text in the conf and in the module are encoded. Encoding=UTF-8 # Compression algorithm. CompressType=ZIP # How much of the work is compressed into a block. BlockType=BOOK # Versification employed by a Bible module. Versification=KJV ## Elements required for proper rendering # Filters. GlobalOptionFilter=OSISHeadings ## General informatic and installer elements # A lengthier description. About=Available on the Internet Archive @ \par http://www.archive.org/details/thenewtestament00andeuoft \par\par __________________________________________ \par From the PREFACE: \par The Author saw, very early in life, that a translation of the New Testament was necessary. He began his investigations at the age of twenty-one, and has faithfully studied the Original since that time. He has made his translation without reference to any version; that is, he adopted no version as a basis. His work is not a Revision of a version, but a Translation; for he was not disposed to be trammeled by any version, but desired to find the truth of God, as it is contained in the Original. The truth thus found, he has endeavored to express in the English language as now spoken.... \par\par __________________________________________ \par DEDICATION: \par\par The work has been carried on under many adverse circumstances; but, by the good providence of God, it has been completed. May it go forth, under the Divine blessing, to establish and comfort the hearts of those who love the Truth. \par\par H. T. Anderson \par Harrodsburg KY, March 1864 # Indicates the date that the module was changed. SwordVersionDate=2019-04-19 # Module's revision. Version=1.0.1 # Indicates what has changed between different versions. History_1.0=(2019-04-19) Initial Release History_1.0.1=(2022-08-01) conf file correction # The minimum version of the SWORD library required for this module. MinimumVersion=1.5.9 # Library of Congress Subject Heading. LCSH=Bible.English # Language code of the module. Lang=en # Element not documented. Scope=NTOnly ## Copyright and Licensing related elements DistributionLicense=Public Domain DistributionNotes=Thanks to Microsoft Book Search (http://www.archive.org/details/msn_books) ShortPromo=<a href="https://github.com/BeTheLight">Be The Light Ministries</a> TextSource=https://github.com/BeTheLight/ENG-B1-Anderson1864-pd-USFM # Total byte size of the module on disk. InstallSize=704125